Saturday, 3 March 2012

KZ3 - Mechanics, Gameplay, Goals & Objectives


As with any first person shooter the basic gameplay is to hit the enemy without getting hit. In KZ3 you use a wide array of weapons, equiptmentand vehicles to complete objectives to advance to the next level. This really is as complex as it needs to be as it is what a player would expect from a FPS.


KZ3 conforms to the genre's basic mechanics; Walk, Run, Sprint, Shoot, Throw grenade, Use/interact, Crouch, Jump and Melee, all of these work well with eachother as they should. Killzone 3 brings two innovative advanced mechanics to the table:

Cover System: a cover system is something gamers are used to in third person games as a defense mechanic, but it is rarely seen in a FPS. Pressing a button on the controller allows the charecter to take cover behind objects, unlike previous cover systems like in Tom Clancys: Rainbow Six Vegas, the cover system in KZ3 keeps you in first person perspective. This in my opinion is a great mechanic and should be included in more FPS games, but not as an afterthought, the reason the cover system works so well in KZ3 is because it is such an integral part of the game, if you run aimlessly at the enemies like in COD series you will die, no doubt about it, the only ay to complete KZ3 is by utilising the cover system.

Brutal Melee: Almost every FPS i can think of has a melee function, wether it be a knife or hitting with the stock of a weapon as it is a genre charecteristic. With KZ3 however the developers have put thier own spin on things, in any standard FPS if you melee an enemy one or maybe two times they drop to the floor instantly and you move on to your next target. In KZ3 when you melee an enemy the game cuts to an animation of the charecter performing a Brutal attack on the enemy. not only is this different and more believeable/realistic but depending on what angle you approach the enemy a different melee attack is performed. and being an 18 rated game as you would expect, it dosent hold back on the gore. this innovative mechanic makes for fun gameplay in singleplayer and multiplayer modes.

As with any AAA title they do not tend to stray too far from the genre charecteristics but throwing a few new mechanics, that work well, into the mix makes the game stand out from the crowd.

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